Removing negative energy from your home
It is easy to notice when bad vibes linger in your home. Negative energy from arguments or illness can accumulate in spaces such as living rooms, kitchens and dens. Your home can be cleaned and organized but still has a heavy feeling. A cleansed and energized home should feel light, fresh and inviting when you enter.
I will provide all of the materials needed for home energy clearing such as an energy clearing boil that helps release negative energy and brings ancestral protection and abundance. Sage, Palo Santo, crystals and other materials will be used as needed. It is important to open up the windows and doors so that negative energy has a place to escape. Cleaning may be appropriate such as sweeping entrances and removing dust that carries old energy. Sound healing will be used to clear and cleanse to break apart dense and heavy energy.
* It is important to provide an address at check out and your contact info to schedule an appointment